position 10:43.N 61:43.0E

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Fri 3 Feb 2023 04:31
Friday 3rd Feb 154m
Fast sailing yesterday and overnight having had engine most of the previous day. The wind came up in the evening and quickly was up to 20kn before thoughts of reefing took hold. I shared the steering with Aires for a few hours to keep off the wind and eventually with a little less wind Aires could cope. I put in a couple of reefs in the morning and since then a steady 14kn breeze has been pushing us along smartly on course. Now down to 10-12kn and a more sedate pace.
A fellow Rival 41 sailor had claimed to sail the Indian Ocean with his Parasailor set the whole way- never changed sails. On that rather flimsy evidence I purchased a very expensive (albeit 2nd hand) Parasailor spinnaker expecting similar results. As we have been either close hauled or close reaching the whole way so far I wonder at the wisdom. However it is a beautifully crafted sail and having worked out how to use it I am hoping it will prove its worth later when we turn into the Gulf of Aden and then the 1st half of the red sea. The 2nd half is another matter and I simply keep everything crossed that the head winds and adverse current are not as bad as reports suggest.
