Sailing (a bit)
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sat 21 Sep 2019 01:47
21/09/19 90 miles for last 24 hrs.
position 10 41.690S 20 S 125 06.280E
A nice little breeze picked up in the evening and kept me moving on-course for the whole night. Initially it was aft of the beam and I poled out the genoa which caught nicely, and later as the wind backed I was close reaching. It was just a treat to be sailing, the flat water an added bonus. Unfortunately the wind died again this morning so the motor is back on, but the forecast promises a bit more later fingers crossed.
I have been re-attacking my dolphin carving since seeing the dolphins yesterday. I had just about finished but seeing them in the flesh made me realise my shape is too fat. Some things I can't change-the pectoral fins are too far aft but I am thinning it down and may regret the decision. It is a nice piece of wood and perhaps I should accept it as an impressionistic piece.
Talking impressionists I have just finished JG Ballards 'The Kindness of Women' which I picked up in the Darwin bookswap. It is an autobriographical novel and I wonder how much licence he takes to adjust history for the sake of art. It comprises a catalogue of his sexual conquests described in precise medical detail and I couldn't help thinking that the surviving women might have been somewhat miffed at the kiss and tell. I suppose once you have a reputation as an artist all life becomes fair game, or perhaps it was all fantasy.