position S10 00.950 E142 49.660

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Thu 18 Jul 2019 11:42
Thursday 18th July.
Just dropped the anchor off Sassie Island in the Torres Straits. It looked dubious for shelter in the dark but the moon emerged from the clouds and the water seemed flat enough to stop. Made a quick supper of barracuda and beans and now ready for some sleep.
The trip from Port Moresby was steady going under jib but rough motion- I had put up a small bit of main in the harbour but the speed was going to upset my schedule so decided to put it back down before exiting the pass through the reef. The 1st night was very rough and the second only rough but once in the shallower water of the straits it calmed down although the wind still up around 20knots and occasional breakers giving the cockpit a soaking.
Tomorrow should take me to Thursday island.