position S01 22.400 W91 32.700

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Wed 23 Aug 2017 12:41
Wednesday 23rd August. Much less to report now no land based
activities. Just logged 157 miles for the 24hr -could be a
new OR record. After our slow start the wind has been steady
12 -14 knots gradually backing more west to allow us to
ease off the wind a touch. The sea is still slight although
the motion less comfortable now the wind has picked up.
Yesterday was sunny all day but still cool in the wind. This
morning overcast but the wind feels a little warmer. No
sign now of our storm petrel outriders that stayed with us
yesterday. All systems functioning O.K. so far -good volts
from sun and wind. Entertainment is to alternate between
reading and starting a carving project. Diana alternates
between reading, Suduko and knitting. I picked up Leon Uris'
Trinity in a book swap in Puerto Villamil- very interesting
Irish history.
I forgot to mention yesterdays sighting before we left harbour of a shark chasing a fish past the boat and across the bay- amazing speed and constant depth as the fin stayed above the surface. The fish was leaping desperately out of the water but the chase ended in a swirl of activity near the rocks as the shark won the race. |