position S17 10.140 W155 09.500
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 27 May 2018 21:54
Sunday 26th May. Towards Aititaku/Palmerston (slowly)
We weighed anchor at 1.30pm yesterday and sailed with a pleasant breeze across the lagoon before being swept through the pass with a strong current from the falling tide. In high sun we could see the shear coral sides of the pass emphasising the narrow channel. I breathed a heavy gasp of relief as we shot out like a champagne cork into open water with the terns no doubt debating heatedly the possibility of another wreck. There is apparently a large propellor to be seen if you snorkle in the pass, the evidence of a former error.
The breeze held up untill the sun set and since then we have been gently wallowing allong at 2-3 knots with rather less than 10 knots of true wind and a little helpful current. I have poled out both jibs using the boom on the post side but they moslty flop loosely with an occasional snap as they catch a rare breath.
The forecast is a little better tomorrow- and better further north. We may motor 100m north west to try and catch better wind tomorrow.