position S10 29.200 E162 02.800
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sat 22 Jun 2019 21:21
Saturday 22nd June
We left the bay in Nendu early on thursday morning for the 250 mile trip to San Cristobal. The forecast suggested we would get nice 15kn south-easterlies so I swapped the twin jibs for single hoping for a comfortable broad reach due west. Most of what we got was easterlies with occasional squalls and heavy rain every time we nearly dried out. So we rolled all the way to San Cristobal goose winged with poled out jib which flapped noisily. Usually the wind died in the morning necessitating engine assistance and then picked up in the afternoon/evening.
The 1st achorage marked on the chart for San Cristobal looked as if it would be too open to the east wind and so it proved so we sailed another 30 miles along the north-east coast to find a big sheltered bay (Wanione Bay) and dropped anchor off a village (its labelled 'Wanione Mission statement' on the chart) with sandy beach hoping the holding would be O.K as the water isn't clear enough to see the bottom.
I solved the charging problem with the alternator-It has a small wire with 12V to get it started but I had wired that to the house battery terminal and it doesn't work unless the supply has been disconnected before re-starting. Now as long as I turn off and on the house supply before starting the engine I get charge every time.
My problem at the moment- apart from persistent dampness is that my usb cables have nearly all stopped working. One charges but no data and one does both- the rest seemed to have packed up alltogether. The damp is making charging the navigation tablet tricky, and I have to ration its use.
We have been eating the Marlin since Nendu- it is really meaty so works well in stew and curry, -last night fish pie with Smash for topping and coconut cream for sauce.