position S16 49.944 W151 22.026

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Mon 21 May 2018 06:12
Sunday 20th May.
We made an early start to visit the Morea (note correct spelling today) before the sun got too hot and the sightseers too numerous. Moreas are ceremonial sites and this one is reported to be the most important in Polynesia attracting visits from chiefs as far away as New Zealand and Easter Island. It comprises several large stone paved platforms with standing stones one end and apparently was used for human sacrifice among other jolly functions. There is an artists picture of Captain Cook 'helping' at a human sacrifice. The site is on a flat prominontory projecting into the lagoon and is now populated by crabs that look at you suspicousy before scuttling into their hole. One large crab looked particularly cross and stood his ground before deciding I was too big to take down his hole and then embarrased himself trying 2 holes that were too small for him before finding his own.
I climbed a well made path that for some reason was signed 'interdit au public' at regular intervals -possibly there was construction work in progress to create some viewing platforms, but it afforded a good view over the site.
As far as I know sacrifices are no longer encouraged but people had left trinkets and coins on the 'alters' and we were sufficiently inspired by the atmospheric beauty to leave some coins and request the gods for fair winds.
We made a quick return to the boat and mindful of our failure to arrive at Raiatae in daylight we stowed the dinghy and upped anchor for the predicted 8 hour run to Bora Bora. Nearly half the distance was inside the reef that circle both Raiatea and the adjacent island Tahaa. So we had a pleasant, serene sail in flat water with the wind behind, even enjoying the open sea with friendly waves pushing us in the right direction. The gods must have listened.
Arriving at Bora Bora pass in daylight was a bonus and we were anchored by 5pm and ready for an early rum punch.