position N03 15.000 W78 11.800
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sat 21 Jan 2017 20:09
Saturday 21st Jan
Now motoring towards Isla Gorgona which is about 15miles off. The nice westerly wind lasted untill about 2am last night -I awoke from a nap to find that we were heading east with the wind from the south.
The wind picked up quickly to around 20 Knots so I perservered with mainsail and a shortened jib sailing around 220-230 deg which still got me further south albeit off course. I eventually gave up and put the engine on about 10am this morning, motorsailing more on course with wind dropping. Feeling a little queesy in choppy sea this morning but recovered enough to enjoy lunch (fillet of fresh mackerel with fried egg and tortilla.) Cooker ceaning session after lunch-always satisfying.
The guide gives suggested anchoring co-ordinates off the east side of the island- looks steep close to shore on the chart. I will investgate and if suitable should have a restful night. The sea has flattened already but lack of wind means probably motoring again tomorrow. Forecast suggests I might get more light north-westerly on monday.