position S12 20.500 E130 33.200

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Tue 17 Sep 2019 03:15
Tuesday 17th Sept
475 miles Darwin to Kupang.
Finally escaped
Darwin. Locked out of Tipperary Waters at 7.30am, called at
Cullen Bay fuel dock where I was held up by a cat, the skipper
who despite seeing I was waiting went for a wander round the
marina while his boat was blocking the dock. Left the fuel dock
at 10am and motored 2 hours before the breeze filled in - now
making 5-6 knots on course for Kupang.
Nafea came to see
me off at the fuel dock- he is very worried that I am leaving
without paying my bill. His card machine wasn't working ysterday
and my bank transfer wasn't working either due to a snag on the
card. I had to promise him that Diana would put the money into
the transfer account from where it would wing its way into his
account. An american yacht had left a couple of days ago without
paying him so he is understandably nervous but let me go with
extra re-assurances that I would make sure he is paid.