position S10 38.300 E136 06.300
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Mon 22 Jul 2019 22:04
Monday 22th July.
Still in the Arafura Sea which is now still flat but 50m deep.
370 miles to Darwin. Steady 12-15 knots of wind south -easterly. Averaging 5.7 Sog.
A few steering tweaks required in the night- the Aries didn't seat properly after cleaning the blade in the Marina so that adjustment requires stretching over the stern to give it a yank. It is easier to adjust the lines at the wheel end but that is a bit hit and miss once a course is lost with wind change.
I saw a strange UFO early last night. A thin oblong of white light iluminating the thin cloud around it and moving slightly drunkenly from west to east but not quite in alignment with the shape of light. Must have been moving fast-it was directly overhead and then disapeared from sight in the distance maybe a minute later. There must be a web site where you can report UFO sightings.
Another lure lost yesterday -this time I saw it go, just a brief jump of the reel. I saw a dolphn fin off to starboard before it happened so I have a suspect. I wonder if they know what it is and snap the line out of principal, but hope that there isn't now half a dozen dolphins scattered oer the oceans with lures stuck in their mouths.