position N17 51 000 W 22 24 390

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Tue 7 Apr 2015 14:14
Slowed down overnight-wind down to 8-10Kn. Touch and go if we make Sal before dark tonight. A stormy petrel for company most of the day, one brief dolphin visit to report in the evening and one ship spotted in the night, otherwise another lazy sailing day with no sail changes. Just a couple of extra knots of wind makes for much more comfortable motion below and and the sense of speed much more satisfying above. Started a little carving project and reading a novel about an old lady with dementia. Hope Dianas mum is O.K in her strange memory free world. I haven't put the tuna lure out as we have been eating up fresh supplys but maybe today is the day. Cloudy and cool all night again. Hadn't reckoned on so much cloud- should have got that tow generator after all. Engine back on for an hours charge.