Saturday 27th July.
I was kicked off the Cullen Bay pontoon at 6am by a rather more
surly lock keeper than yesterdays. It was still too early for
Tipperary and I wanted to see if the boat yard would reply to my
email about haul out and hardstanding so I joined a couple of
yachts at anchor outside the breakwater. The yard did reply a bit
later but the rate for storage ashore is double that in the marina
so I shelved that idea and set off for Tipperary. I wasn't sure
how long I had before the tide dropped too much and lock-keeper
Dani had given me an 08.30 start time but no idea how long that
lasts. My revised 12.30 estimated arrival was O.K. said Dani. I
just reached the head of Francis Bay as the steam from the engine
suggested that was enough but then the wind was blowing me gently
up stream under genoa so I was able to give the engine a break.
Now safely tied up in the nice
little no frills very sheltered marina run by Dani and her husband
Mick who live aboard a yacht at the end of the pontoon. The marina
is surrounded by houses and flats- but just a little less posh
than Cullen Bay.
I will see if I can get the pipe
stack out of the heat exchange unit so that I know what to