position S09 03.500 W114 46.000

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 3 Sep 2017 16:37
The approx is due to a problem with the Samsung Tablet that we use for navigation which has stopped taking battery charge. The lead has taken a knock and although the tablet is 'marinised' with a waterproof protective rubber surround the standard mini usb connection is not robust. The handheld Garmin and my smart phone agree that the distance to go is actually about 30 miles longer than we thought. Working out the co-ordinates west from Hiva Oa in the Marquesas gives distance to go 1327 miles at 6am giving the 133 miles for the day.
Conditions remain hard work with variable wind and waves. I slept quite well last night but Diana not- she likes the large aft cabin bunk but it doesn't give good support for rolling motion. She may have to relent and move into the saloon where you can wedge yourself in with lee cloths and cushions.
I think someone has sent me a message or attachment to big to get through which is blocking other emails. I will get Helle at mailasail to delete it on monday. We can receive small attachments- Oliver sent a nice photo of Jack reduce to 80kb but anything much bigger won't work.