position S035 19.100 E174 07.200

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 24 Mar 2019 12:39

Wednesday 17th Nov. 
A look round Riverton in the morning was rewarding- several nice vintage and junk shops, an art gallery and another well stocked and imaginatively run museum (Te Hikoi).

Riverton harbour.

Looking up the Aparima river towards the mountains.
Back past Invercargill heading east our next bnb was booked at Kaka point. I booked 2 nights to give some respite from the daily road trips.
We took the minor scenic roads through the Catlins, picnic lunch on route overlooking a valley with dozens of whitebait fishing huts along one of the rivers.  Whtebait is apparently the most expensive sefood in New Zealand (according to Wikipedia), but we missed out on trying whitebait fritters.

Our bnb was an entire bungalow with great sea views. Only in our budget as it was very unmodernised- all the furniture and fittings untouched since the 1950's.
It was clean and comfortable and the choice of sitting with morning or afternoon sun.