position S035 19.100 E174 07.200

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 28 Apr 2019 20:24

Wednesday 23rd April  Terracotta Army
The minibus picked us up from the Hostel with our guide Jia Jia, a diminutive chinese girl who even with her arm raised was impossible to see in a crowd. That did cause some difficulties later as there were lots of crowds and she was prone to declaring 'here I am' via our hi-tec headsets giving no clue as to direction or distance from anything. 
The museum is about an hour out of town and like all the tourist sites we visited was well geared up for thousands of visitors so there was no queing but a bit of jostling to see some of the highlights. This chap is a general who was standing at the head of a group to one side of the main army, his hands resting on the hilt of a bronze sword. There was much looting of the site after it fell into disrepair so the weapons mostly disapeared.
 Apparently the only complete clay statue was an archer, otherwise the warriers have been and are in the process of being re-assembled, the mother of all 3D jigsaw puzzles.

The army is arranged in 3 areas each covered by large space frame sheds.
It is likely that there are more warriers yet to be discovered.
They are guarding the mausoleum of Emporer Qin- the 1st emporer who unified china.  He aparently took mercury to cheat death and so was disapointed to die relatively young.

As the pieces are the same colour as the soil, the the task of sorting the pieces, locating the warrier to which they belong and finally glueing them together is mind boggling. No task however is beyond the chinese builders ability (apparently they have offered to re-build Notre Damme for the french).
This is the main army in shed 2. The trenches were covered with timber beams, reed and soil so  that when the beams rotted the roof collapsed and the warriors were buried and smashed into little pieces.

Shed 1 in the early stages of re-assembly.

A horses bum emerging from the soil.

There are 2 half scale bronze  charriots in a separate building along with fasciating artifcacts recovered from the site. These were also broken up and have been  re-assembled.

The mound in the distance is Qin's mausoleum. Jia Jia assured us there is no point in going closer as there is no access into the tomb. Apparently the risk of mercury poisoning is still too great!

Lunch was another  round of delicous chinese dishes. It is a very civilised way of eating. We shared our table with a group from a Kung Fu school in Xi'An. Mostly students using their gap year to study martial arts. I tried to get an argument going between the german and american students to see if they would demonstrate their skills but they were much too laid back.
The top of the wall.
Back in Xi'An we had a walk around one quarter of the city wall (south gate to east) and back through the town, picking up a snack for supper in the muslim quarter. This is the East gate.