position S13 52.340 E167 33.240

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Thu 13 Jun 2019 12:02
Thursday 13th June
I explored ashore in the
morning and found a very helpful policemen (Roger) who told
me where to find the customs office and offered me use of
his computer to check my emails. All the admin buildings are
grouped in the one area behind the dinghy landing beach, all
very solid concrete structures. Actually his computer didn't
work for me so he marched over to the tourist development
office and commandeered a computer there. I was really after
some wifi to connect my tablet and download some missing
chart sections for the route ahead but that wasn't
I completed the regulation
customs forms and handed over the last of our Vatus to gain
a clearance zarpe.
Another go at the
electrical issues- charging from the alternator is still
iregular. The new batteries are taking charge from the solar
panels better but not the alternator. I thought I had found
the loose connection but then down went the amps again.
Diana felt strong enough
for a shore trip in the afternoon but stopping on route by
the Norwegians to say goodbye we were invited for coffee and
chat. They are extremely hospitable and spent much of their
time here ferrying locals back and forth, even taking the
yacht club owner and his family for a sail round the bay.
Thomas has had some bad news about his father who is in a
cancer hospice and not expected to last more than a few
days, but he is minded to carry on with his circumnavigation
as his father would certainly wish. It would take so long to
get back to Norway from here that it is unlikely he would
make the funeral, let alone say goodbye. We looked at the
route through to indonesia and he had some good ideas and
suggestions for stops.
We found the yacht club on
the beach and this one has a charming little bamboo
clubhouse with neat swept sand garden. Another Roger runs it
with his family and he gave us a thorough run down on the
island. They lost their bookswap library along with yacht
flags in cyclone Pam and he was so grateful to the
Norwegians for giving them a sail as no-one had asked them
aboard a yacht before. The Lonel Planet guide mentions a
good days hike to a waterfall but Roger thought more like 2
days tough hiking and also thought a dispute between family
groups might make the arrangements tricky. Sometimes it is
hard to know how reliable distance estimates are and if
disputes are invented to hang on to your tourists.
We walked along the high
street and found a shop selling bread and then chatted to
the Malaria official and a 7th day adventist preacher who
introduced themselves. The Malaria official described Dianas
symptoms quite accurately and when he mentioned that the
clinic can do a pin prick blood test with results in 10
minutes Diana was sold and booked in for the morning. They
have managed to eradicate malaria from this region on
Vanuatu although it still occurs elsewhere. We then ran into
Roger the policeman on his quad bike and he promised to ring
the clinic and make sure they run the test for free. Then a
3rd man we spoke to on the beach turned out to work in the
hospital doing the blood tests. It was like they had heard
about Diana and lined up all the skittles in row for us to
knock down.