position N09 37 663 W79 33 95
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sat 11 Jun 2016 12:05
Anchored of Isla Grande. Sun just rising- looks like it could be a hot one. Yesterday was cloudy all day with rain in the morning and a decent easterly wind to start with blowing us along the coast and away from the last of the San Blas. The wind gradually veered through 180 degrees and then lessened so that we had to motor the last few hours. We passed though a strange bouyed off facility about 5 miles offshore and in 50m depth patrolled by 4 large motor boats. There were 2 or 3 large pyramid shaped nets partly submerged in the sea with numerous small buoys linked with ropes strung out over the surface. Maybe some sort of experimental fish farm but odd that it is in such open deep water. We had supper ashore last night in a water side restaurant of which there are several in the Isla Grande village. Fish soup with rice was very nice- Diana had fish with very decent fat chips. The village looked quite grand from the boat but close up has a slighly past its sell by feel- lots of empty buildings some with For Sale signs, and the bright coloured paintwork faded and shabby. Beer here $2 a can - back to economic reality. |