Fwd: position N05 39 510 W 55 03 837
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 18 Oct 2015 19:03
It is Hot! Only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the sun between 10am & about 6pm and we (as englishmen) think twice about it. Today (sunday) we drove into Paramaribo at 6am just as the sun was rising to see the bird song competetion in the park infront of the Presidents Palace. Little finches in little cages are stood in pairs next to each other and 2 very serious judges record the tweets over a 15minute period. Standing only a few yards away we couldn't make out any tweets at all as they were drowned out by thewild birds who presumably were laughing at the poor little caged ones. We watched one whole round and one bird scored 75 to the others 52. There was much congratulating and handshaking for the winner and the loser slunk off in dejection. Apparently winning birds fetch as much as 300 dollars (us). Much as the excitement was rivetting we tore ourselves away in search of breakfast which eventually was found in Domburg- noodles and pancakes with a sweet pink milky drink consumed on a bench by the river. On the recommendation of my cruising guide we took a motor boat taxi over to a village on the far bank and walked along pleasant sandy paths through the forest with occasional houses, a substantial school and orange and banana groves. Back in our resort now we have booked in for sunday lunch which is oversubscribed but they can squeeze us in at the bar. We have to go back into town in the morning to get an exit stamp in our passports, then hoping to set off with the midday tide. Next stop Tobago with luck.