position S09 27.910 E147 09.070
Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Sun 14 Jul 2019 11:31
Sunday 11th July.
The park has very well marked
tracks through the forest and I enjoyed a good walk beside a
stream, then along the top of an escarpment and back down to the
main picnic area where Raphael was waiting for me. The
vegetation is fascinating and I kept stopping to try and spot
the numerous birds that I could hear calling. I think I can tick
off a small Casawary dashing through the trees (might have been
a turkey), some pretty russet coloured doves and a pair of very
noisy cockatoos. The birds of paradise and magnificent
rifflebird eluded me.
Unfortunately the look-out
points were white-out with low cloud.
We stopped for late
breakfast/eary lunch on the way back from a roadside bar-b-q.
Lamb flaps with sweet potato.
A few little jobs on board in
the drizzle in the afternoon. Swapped the gas over and squeezed
the big bottle into the gas locker. Worked out a schedule for
the Darwin trip- if I leave at 4pm I should reach the start of
the straights in the morning of the day after, daylight sailing
through the reefs, anchor up for a night behind Sassie Island, a
2nd day sailing, anchor near Thursday Island and the clear the
straights next day. The tides which can be 4 knots against
appear to be mostly favourable for the daytime sailing. What are
the chances of all that working out?
Raphael has another trip
planned for the morning so Tuesday pm is scheduled for
departure. I am still not sure about insurance for Darwin but
the lockkeeper at Tipperary Marina says he is also with
Pantaeneous and has insurance through the cyclone season.