Position 6:11.80N 97:17.5E

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Fri 6 Jan 2023 14:24
Light winds and a new sail.
Motored overnight through glassy water untill 7am when a hint of breeze prompted engine off, making 3Kn in about 4Kn of wind with main and genoa.
Itching to try out the new 'Parasailor' spinnaker the wind picked up to 7-8kn and was holding NE just aft of the beam. So at 11.00am I hoisted the sail, hooked on the lines and lifted the snuffer. Like magic the sail filled and the previously uncomfortable rolling motion became much more sedate with decent 4-5 Kn speed. Just one wrong line had to be re-routed.
You may think I have simply cut a slot in the old spinnaker but this is a very different sail with a parachute style wing in front of the slot. It has 4 control lines- 2 conventional sheets and 2 downhauls running to a ring at the bow and no need for a pole. Having bought the sail rather last minute 2nd hand from someone in Bradford and unsure if the size would be O.K.
I was highly chuffed to see it doing exactly what the sales blurb promised it would. The slot is supposed to allow stronger winds to escape giving a bigger range than a conventional spinnaker.
Needless to say the wind didn't hold for long and the reverse process of dropping the sail caught me out. I had taken over the steering from the autohelm as the wind had vanished and the machine was oversteering. Heading up to the foredeck I forgot to re-engage the autohelm so as I lowered the sail the boat turned into the little bit- of wind resulting in a snag with a line wrapped round the radar. A climb up the mast ensued after a courage boosting cuppa.
We are motoring again now (10pm) - the forecast steady easterlies yet to manifest.