position N14 53 260 W 24 40 770

Ocean Rival Journey Log
Adam Power Diana Power
Tue 21 Apr 2015 14:49
12:00 21/04/15 Dominic & William arrived at last 2 days late having been put up in Hotels by Royal Air Maroc in London and in Cassablanca. Dominics luggage not with him but phoned airport next morning and it was there all the time. So after a further day in Praia to check emails and do some last provisioning from the supermarket we left our anchorage at 19.30 lastnight and arrived in Porto da Furna on Brava this morning at around 9am. After initial pleasant breeze and flat sea we had to motor for 3 hours in lumpy sea to get away from the shadow of Santiago and then another3 hours in the shadow of Fogo followed by headwinds between Fogo & Brava. In between a good beam reach. in 20-25 knots. Dominic suffering 1st sail stomach -mine not too bad after several days at anchor and William not affected by sea sickness at all. Praia was interesting, lively, quite affluent in the centre (plato). Next time if I come across George or his replacement I won't be paying him much to do very little and definately won't lend him my snorkle mask which he vever returned claiming that the boys had pinched it. William felt sorry for him and no doubt as a drug addicted homeless young man he has little prospects other than the take as much as possible from the occasional yacht. For the whole stay in Praia ours was the only yacht in the bay so his pickings are undoubtedly meagre. We followed Don Streets guide for the entry to Porto da Furna and as he predicted someone ashore directed our anchorage and beconed for a line ashore. Managed to get the line round the prop almost immediately so after clearing that William managed to row a line across and now we are secure between anchor and shore line. Now after recovery nap from the overnight torture, a trip ashore in the offing to explore Brava- hopefuly a minibus up to the main town, Nova Sintra.