The Peace Park concept

Wed 21 Aug 2019 19:11

Canada and the USA have the longest undefended border and as a UNESCO World Heritage site celebrate this by running a joint Ranger program on Tuesdays and Fridays. So we ended up going to Canada for a walk and evening meal, just for the day, via the Waterton border crossing, which is open 0700-2200. It was a great day, although very slow as you do the 7.5 mile hike an about 8 hours. As always, the National Parks provide wholesome family style entertainment.


Our US and Canadian guides for the day

The border, which apart from one year when herbicides were used is cleared by hand.

caterpillar pooing

It as really nice to eat non-US food for a change.

We were lucky it didn't rain that day as the next day due to bad weather (flood warnings issued) was spent watching our Dexter box set.
The temperature in Glacier plummets when it rains and we just potter about on those days, yet we still 'bumped into' another bear, black bear this time and closer.