Copan Ruinas
Sadly we don't have time for the hot spa or a ride out for the day. We settled on a short horse ride up to Hacienda San Lucas. The proprietor's father as a young boy drew pen and ink drawings for the first archaeologists to the area. These drawings were in a museum until they were returned recently and are now proudly displayed in the Hacienda. Flavia also showed us the stones in the walls which had sadly been collected from the ruins at Copan before the archaeologists arrived. As happened with the pyramids at Cairo, so the locals took stones from Copan to build local properties. As a result of this the pyramids here are also sadly depleted.
We would have loved a night here just bird watching and chilling. The hacienda has a most fantastic outdoor yoga room and they sell a gluten free cook book. It is also just a short walk from a most unusual site of fertility symbols and a woman giving birth (it looked like a baby to us, others believe it is corn!)
Honduras must be a twitchers' dream
come true. We finished in town with the digital museum, a great
chance to see a simulated view of how Copan once looked.
We finished the day with local made tea, soursop leaf for Caroline, of course chocolate for Murray.
What a great trip and only 5 hours back to Fronteras via Rio Honda the following day.