
Fri 15 Jun 2012 21:42
A really difficult few days where we have sailed in every tiny whisper of wind just to avoid going backwards. Extra hard on Murray with limited time off work as days have been added to our trip. At 0500 on Caroline's shift she could see a large corgo ship's bow loom out of the mist. It was aimed strainght at us and we were becalmed. Quickly waking Murray and starting the engine, Murray got on the radio to call them up to go round us. By now 10 miles had reduced to 6 and they were still not talking to us and weres still bearing down on us. Murray added the magic words 'Pan-Pan' (one down from Mayday) and suddenly they responded and agreed to change course. Caroline motored out of the way too and we missed by a mile and a half, but a matter of a couple of minutes - phew!
Gloom and doom then settled on the boat as the forecast was for 7 more days without wind, incredibly bad news. Shortly after receiving the forecast the wind picked up - hurray. We then sailed close hauled up-wind slow, but nearly on course - a lot better than the last few days.
The wind only lasted half a day though, so we are waiting for it to pick up again, followed by our little flock of juvenile gulls.