First night in Haiti

Wed 28 Feb 2018 23:19

The north side of this island is strewn with reefs so we came round the west end. The bay varies between 4-8m and is covered with grass so holding is not perfect, but there is plenty of room for the few boats that come here to put out lots of chain.
On arrival you are greeted by many locals in dugout canoes (mango trees apparently) all wanting to sell you a flag or take you on trips to the market or inland. After several days' sailing it can be hard to deal with them, but it does quickly settle down. Our anchorage is named Port Morgan, after Henry Morgan, who, amongst other pirates, is said to have sheltered here.
The Kaliko bar is run by Jean-Jean and his wife Rosamina. Jean-Jean came by boat to make the reservation. We booked a fish dinner, but were later told they didn't have enough fish in, so we upgraded to lobster for an extra $2 (good choice!). Embarrassingly we turned up 1 hour early as we had changed time zone again without realising it, so we went for a walk on the beach and a beer, bumping into Kim and Simon who had given us 50l of water to tide us over. The company was very convivial and the owners daughter plaited Caroline's hair as we whiled away the night.


local art


fishing boat


Please note, whiling away the night for cruisers means being ready for bed at 10pm at the latest!