Tonga to New Zealand passage

Sun 31 Oct 2010 04:00
Having spent 3 weeks checking the weather looking for a window to go to Fiji and not finding one, we saw an opportunity to head straight for New Zealand for our final passage of this leg.
A fantastic start as two humpbacks surfaced right next to the boat. They were so close our main worry was hitting them, so we slowed down and they stayed parallel to us for an hour.
The first day was slow sailing, as expected. We took just under 9 days overall with an average of 120 miles a day. We were both happy with this, but the last 8 hours were in disgusting conditions. The seas were rough and we had to sail up wind for 2 hours to get the last 6 hours down wind, rather than all 8 hours on the side.
This is our coldest destination and it's taking some getting used to.