South Island - the tour begins
Sun 5 Dec 2010 03:26
Stunning drive through rolling green hills,
pristine heathland, views of snow capped mountains, volcanic cones, waterfalls
to beautiful gigiantic driftwood dinosaur and kiwi bird scupltures. Later seeing
strange colourful shoe fences - one wooden with pairs of laces ups all
along the top of it, the other barbed wire with a pair of flipflops on each
barb. Views of the Whanganui river with a smart little steam ship puffing it's
way up river. Ending our journey for the day at a little campsite (having driven
through the mountains on narrow passes with bridges barely wide enough for one
car and speed limits as low as 10 km/h) and walking along the Hutt river
the great river Anduin in Middle Earth for any Lord of the Rings