North Dakota 25/7/19

We’ve fitted time in for Lewis and Clark, who jointly led an
expedition ordered by President Jefferson, to explore, map and
trade in the
lands along the Missouri river. At least we could empathise with
them over the
mosquito problem and the hardships and portages. Theit winter fort
has been
rebuilt and filled with clothing and artefacts from the time and a
museum set
The Hidatsa were friends with Lewis and Clark, they traded with
them and in
return the military men helped protect them from Sioux raids. We
visited the
knife river Indian villages NHS where the summer and winter
homes were located
for the Hidatsa, a sedentary tribe. Surprisingly a little gem as
they have
built a summer house and this 40ft long room constructed of wood
and earth made
you want to stay. The whole site is so tranquil and a fitting
memorial to the
gentle Hidatsa people almost wiped out by the European disease,
smallpox, which
killed them in devastating numbers. |