Mount St Helens National Volcanic Monument
So many stories attached to this area,
especially relating
to the 1980 eruption. The lahar moved at 500mph; this massive
mud debris flow
picked up 300ft douglas firs like we would a matchstick. Spirit
Lake was lifted
500ft, doubled in area but made much more shallow (mud filled)
with a changed
shape afterwards. Ex president Truman lived here and refused to
leave despite
the warnings; he was never seen again. Some people just
survived, others died
days later from horrific burns, many ‘disappeared’. The build up
to this included
100s of earthquakes and a massive bulge growing daily. The
mountain erupted
with th e force of 1500 atomic bombs and a 5.1 earthquake. It
took 2 weeks for
the cloud of ash to circle the world with 230 sq miles of forest
being buried
under millions of tons of rock and ash. Now, 39 years later, the
land looks new
and so pretty; the colours of everything are amazing. The film
in the
observatory is a stunning mixture of live footage and
re-enactment of the
lahar. A really worthwhile place to visit. We walked the lava
trail, if only
the suspension bridge had been open this would have been a
favourite short
walk. |