Departing St Lucia

Thu 18 Mar 2010 20:18
Hopefully about to set sail again, having had the 500 hour service and re-jigged the not working fuel filter system. The boat, its upholstery, the outside, inside, ropes etc have been cleaned and more painting and varnishing done. Repairs to sails and guard rails carried out. Whar a hassle sorting things out.
Excited now as off on about a 20 hour sail, so no wi-fi again.
We have, during our trauma of sorting out the engine, been lucky enough to have Helen, wife of 'I'm not perfect, but' Mike Norris, feed us three dinners in the last week, for which we are very grateful.
Having had an 'Andy' guarantee of sufficient rum ration in our pina coladas at H2O bar and Caroline getting an electric shock spreading to both legs and an arm from the pool there,  - the pool became live when the light was switched on - we feel well prepared for our next voyage.