Position update

Sun 6 Jun 2021 10:12
44:04.23N 20:45.65W
Zoonie is bowling along with her genoa poled out on the S-SW wind created by a High and a Low locking hands as they speed eastwards. 736 miles to go to Falmouth and the promise of plenty of wind for the next 3 days at least.
We’ve been making a jobs list for Zoonie in Falmouth and I think we need to stop because we’re already at 24!! and some are expensive, like a new windlass and Ebbspacher heater brainbox.
We see Portugal is on the amber list from 8th June but as we left on the second hopefully the 10 day quarantine will not apply to us. It would be ridiculous if folk flying out on the 7th June were quarantine free in the UK and we weren’t having left 5 days before! But we’ll see.