Whale lady, good fortune and diesel tank solution

Sat 13 Sep 2014 10:24
I spoke with Nicola Hodgins from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and she advised humpbacks are harmless and would at most have gently nudged Zoonie through curiosity, so next time we can leave the engine off and relax and enjoy the experience. She also commented that the biggest threat to humpbacks today is historic and current pollution. Toxins can concentrate in a growing female and when she gives birth to her first young all these stored toxins pass into her baby and it dies, as happened recently in great numbers off the Japanese coast. The research showed evidence that poisons that entered the sea from field run offs and other sources years ago was present in all the dead babies. On a happier note, there are two populations of humpbacks in the Atlantic, one that migrates up and down the eastern north and south Atlantic and the other on the western side. The latter spends time in the Caribbean where sadly they are still hunted, but that situation should change in the next two years hopefully. If you put Nicola's name into your search engine you will be able to read her interesting blogs. I am reminded often of how fortunate we have been this summer in where we have been and what we have seen from our lovely yacht. The adventures and experiences we have had are not achievable by many people because of financial, physical or health restraints and we are both very lucky. That is partly why I like to keep a blog, so we can share our adventure and reassure family and friends that we are ok. Next Friday we are off to the Southampton Boat Show. I have always found this event enjoyable and this year will be our last for some time. The big purchase will be a watermaker or dessalator as it is also called. Then Zoonie will go into Lake Yard in Poole where David Ford will have two major jobs to do. First he will fit the watermaker and seawater supply to the galley. Then he will remove the top of the diesel tank to install two custom built plastic tanks by TekTanks to over come the paint in the tank issue. We also plan to join the Cruising Association as much for what we can contribute as well as benefit. I love the idea of sailing Zoonie up the Thames someday and mooring in Limehouse basin, where the CA is based. I would also like them to add some of my grandfather's nautical book collection to their library if they are interested. Will report on the refit as it progresses. Keep safe and happy sailing if you're afloat. PS Photos to follow.