Main passage into Fulunga and first village visit

Tue 4 Sep 2018 23:58
Although the main passage is 55 metres wide the reefs on each side still
looked unforgiving. Young lads are off for a day of farming on a nearby island
under the guidance of Tai who had just introduced us to Bill. Bill took us for
our sevusevu and he is wearing his sulu ready to take us into the acting chief’s
Peter and Martina from Havachat were with us. Ladies inside the shown hut
are working on the most skilled art of weaving pandanus mats, every house has at
least one. Outside freshly cut leaves were being laid out to dry. Mere, our
host, is standing outside her home with its own frangipani tree providing
natural perfume all around. Bill showed us the vegetable garden, naming the
plants he knew, including cassava and wasabi. |