Zoonie arrives in Vanuatu

Dear Readers,
We hope this email finds you well, wherever you are.
Just a short note to let you know we have arrived and I will be sending a
blog of the second half of the voyage soon. Apologies for the bulk message but
we wanted to tell as many of you as poss that we are safe and very well if in
need of a good night’s sleep, you know the sort where you don’t have to get up
every three hours. Just like having a baby again!!
Zoonie arrived in Vanuatu a couple of hours ago and we dropped anchor in some nice mud and sand at 13.30 on the 23rd June after a fine trip with lots of sailing, using the cruising chute, bouncing all over the place, plenty of salt water leaving crystals around Zoon’s decks and visits from Brown Booby birds who left their copious calling cards as usual. What is it about Zoonie and Boobies? One even broke an arm off the windex, thank you very much. There are only three of us in the anchorage off Luganville and we must stay on board until we have been visited by Customs and Immigration sometime tomorrow. I sent the Inward Papers from NZ and they replied so they know we are coming, and now we’re here! Tomorrow night is the start of the week’s markets, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and the evenings before, so Monday evening we will be there with bells on. I can’t wait to get my hands on some nice Papaya again. I have some pictures, including an excellent one Rob took of the Booby standing cockily on the boom but I can only send them when I have good internet, as you know.
Love and best wishes,
Barb xx |