Muktuk paves the way

Muktuk paves the way to Fiji Muktuk left 24 hours before we set off. I sat in the cockpit and watched as her vast foresail carried her off over the horizon. The dawn photo is of Cayenne on the morning of our joint departure. We weighed anchor half an hour before them keen to get a good days sail under our belts before night time. The Diva flew onto the scene and was happy to compromise her usual insistence on an empty stage by letting us use a little of the mainsail to steady Zoonie in the lively seas. Couldn’t have the Diva falling into the orchestra pit or, even worse, the audience could we! We lost sight of Cayenne on a slightly more westerly course at around 4.00pm and as they are eventually sailing west from Fiji we wondered when our paths would cross again. The next day Zoonie and the Diva windsurfed together all day long at 7+ knots. It was exciting to feel Zoonie lifted to the top of the waves like an Inca princess on the shoulders of her carriers, pushed forward by the rollers and then settle gently down surrounded by a skirt of bubbling white lace. The sea was showing signs of building with the coming SE Trades and another blow due in three days’ time, so we were aware that her performance must soon end. During the night Brian arrived. I was vaguely asleep when I heard Rob gasp, “Oh I see”. What he saw was Brian’s bum protruding forward of the bimini roof. He was standing on his generously webbed feet on top of the blue fabric preening and snoozing and as we were to discover later pooping large jets of grey, chalky poop all over the deckhouse front windows, decks, coach roof, mast base, boom, in fact pretty much everywhere infront of the cockpit up to the mast. What we have not been able to clean was the blue fabric which is stained Brian White. Photos of his mess later, just a photo of Brian for now.