28:12.32 N 14:01.44W Gran Tarajal Marina. First,3rd November Rosario to Betancuria, white knuckle, granny gasping ride. 4th Nov to Gran Tarajal

Fri 6 Nov 2015 14:37
The night before two Germans had said they were leaving as they did not
like the look of the place (Rosario) and there was nothing here for them. Funny
how there are as many perceptions of places as people visiting them. Next
morning we rowed ashore saying hello to the Frenchman who spends his time
‘minding’ his and other moored boats, and the local fisherman making his way
home with his catch, “Hola, buenos dias.”
The small well filled little bus sped us westwards towards the volcanoes
past goat farms and dry gulches where the swirls of mud illustrated the torrents
of water that must surge down them in the rains. As we climbed cyclists were
struggling up the steep inclines and I gasped as the bus sped around tight bends
in the middle of the road revealing long rocky drops from the side of the road.
At least there were no overturned buses down them as I had seen in the US.
Betancuria is a significant little town lying hidden from the world, either
side of a carefully walled ravine in a fertile and picturesque valley. Jean de
Bethencourt, of Normandy, invaded back in the 14th century and for the locals it
was a case of submit or die. Betancuria became the governing capital of the
Canaries because it was well protected from the coast and risk of invasion. But
as time marched on each island became self-governing to a degree and Gran
Canaria took supremacy in many matters. Now it is the historical capital
and many families, including the owners of Casa Santa Maria and the 5th
generation of the Gonzalez Dumpierrez family who owned the Princess Arminda
restaurant where we had a light lunch, have returned to rebuild their previously
derelict estates and they are now successful enterprises for locals and visitors
We watched a slide show about the island in springtime and for a brief time
it becomes a colourful carpet of poppies and daisies and many other flowers
covering what seemed to us to be square miles of barren plains. To trap the
precious rain fields are built of dry stone walls topped with soil. They are
called gavias and with the valuable vegetable and goat farming industry they are
still very much in use.
As we sat at the bus stop we heard the clicking of the watering system that
gave the individual trees and shrubs life in a beautiful garden by the road.
Above us two peregrine falcons were buzzing a pair of buzzards. Ring necked
doves pecked at crumbs outside the eateries and wood pigeons gave their gentle
call. We learned that song thrushes, yellow-eyed rock curlews, blue tits and
finches also frequent the countryside, along with our old friend, the sparrow. A
return visit in springtime would be worthwhile!
4th November. To Gran Tarajal Marina. Farewell to the friendly frenchman,
and the local who exercises his Harris Hawk from the cruise-liner terminal when
it is unoccupied and to the lovely raven haired lass at Freteria Tino Bar who,
after a few days of practise, would have our beers ready for us shortly after we
arrived at our ‘local’ without our even saying a word!
Motoring because the wind was light, we passed shoreline caves with
vertical basalt columns, reminding me of Fingal’s Cave, voluptuous lava flows
now warmed by the sun, steep, rocky, sharp cliffs where no human foot has ever
trod in millions of years and 1000’s of acres of remoteness accentuated by tiny
hamlets and sole simple homesteads. The earthy rustic colours, reds, oranges and
pinks change as the sun moves over them and against the intense blue sky the
volcanoes are beautiful, in my view anyway.
Finally we rounded the last headland and the wind increased enough for the
genoa to take us the last few miles. The anchorage did not feel too appealing as
the afternoon breeze was funnelling around the headland so we took up residence
in the protection of the harbour.
A few minutes later, after another successful visit to tourist information,
I was sitting in the recommended Dory Monroy peluqueros hair salon awaiting my
fate. I kept looking in the mirror at Rob to see if he approved or should I yell
“stop” but he was engrossed in a magazine. And you can’t really ask the lady to
stop halfway through anyway can you! Ok, the long and the very short is I have
had to trim Rob’s hair this morning just to say mine is still longer than his.
Its cool, pixie-ish and should not need another trim for at least six
The other visiting yachts are from Austria, Germany, Norway, France and a
couple of English. Four young lads, three Spanish and one English left the
harbour in an inflatable under outboard last evening to do some speargun
fishing. We were relieved to hear their motor returning since it was now after
dark. They had caught numerous fish by torchlight, including squid, mullet, and
a reddy brown big fish worth 80 Euros in the market.
Another very pleasurable task this morning, as the temperature is over 30’,
is to wash the fridge ensuring that I lean right in, feet off the floor and
reach the deepest corners!
WOMAD Fuerteventura is setting up for an international music festival this
weekend with fabulous colourful banners. (Wonder if they would miss one!)
Roadies in stetson’s are busy with the vast amount of preparation to be done.
Stall holders are setting up shop and the fair is getting ready too. We will
stay for a visit this evening and leave tomorrow for Morro Jable if they have
room for a night or two before sailing overnight to somewhere on the south coast
of Gran Canaria, preferably somewhere with some washing machines!