Oeiras Sintra

Tue 15 Sep 2015 14:36
1 Endeavour, British Challenge to the America’s Cup 1938 2 Infinity’s mural
from last year faring well 3 However Zoonie is losing one ear 4 Palace de Pena,
Sintra 5 Detail from the parapet 6 Cool shady cloisters with floor that catches
rainwater 7 Cosy dining room 8 Royal bed for a singleton 9 Each day when the
sun’s rays showed midday, a mirror would reflect enough heat to ignite the
cannon and fire the gun (wish I had one) 10 And one of these 11 Sintra centre,
not exactly a haven for the creative mind anymore 12 Palace Montserrate, home to
successive English merchants 13 And now a wedding venue 14 And place of interest
for the interested |