Leaving tomorrow Thursday 13th

Tue 11 Jun 2019 23:20
Dear Readers,
We hope you are well despite the frantic political activities in the UK at present.
I thought I’d get you up to date with the photos before we leave and I cannot send them for a while.
Tomorrow we will leave as the southerlies from a High pressure system surround us and hopefully give us fair winds. We are not alone and 7 or so other yachts are off too, mostly to Fiji.
As you can see we have had fun walking Chase, cooking ready for the first few days at sea when we may not feel like galley work and Rob has made a new cover for the life ring.
So its all good. We love the idea of moving on to new adventures and getting further along our Circumnavigation Track but are also feeling the sorrow of leaving our lovely friends and the beautiful shores of NZ. Still as my granny used to say after our Wednesday evenings teatime with her, “If you don’t go you cannot come back.” So true.

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