Return of the prodigal liferaft and a first taste of Freo

Thu 17 Sep 2020 02:57
With perfect timing on the part of Taylor Marine our life-raft was
delivered to the club the day after our arrival and is now back where it should
be and hopefully where it will stay, in its cradle on the outside of Zoonie’s
Our first trip into Freo revealed a well preserved town centre and a fellow
circumnavigator in the form of the volunteer leading school children around the
round house, a 12 sided tower built on Arthur Head as a gaol in 1831. This
gentleman was so approachable to the children I was impressed. He later spared
us the time to chat about crossing the Indian Ocean and how he helped vessels
through the Panama Canal 17 times before bringing his own 52 foot ferro cement
boat through. He’d have known it like the back of his hand by then! He also
loved to regale how the Round House escaped demolition a few years ago because
the warder living close by complained about the threat to demolish this oldest
public building in WA because it kept the pesky cold winds off his vegetable
patch; he didn’t care about the means it was the end that was important!
We had a nice dark ale and bowl of chips sitting on the balcony of the
National Hotel before catching the free blue cat bus back to the marina. Museums
next! |