41:40.34N 008:50.43W Viana do Castelo and Hello Portugal.

Wed 26 Aug 2015 08:00
“I show you where to go, please come in backwards” Renarto’s voice carried
well from his work boat as he came out to greet us, peaked cap reversed on his
head and sporting a black beard. He tied up his work boat and was ready on the
pontoon showing us with his hands exactly where he wanted Zoonie’s transom to be
parked. Poor Rob. Zoonie is not the easiest hull to reverse in a straight line
and here we had little room. As Rob gently coaxed her backwards I threw a
mooring line to Renarto and he passed me the line that runs out from the pontoon
at a right angle and is designed to be tied to a forward cleat on Zoonie’s
foredeck and keep her bow in position.
A few minutes later Enjoyster arrived. She had had a slow start but then
sailed at over 10 knots with full rig. As we had less time to cover the distance
in light airs we had cheated with the motor. We were invited aboard for drinks
in the cockpit in time to see the replica HMS Pickle, all 19 metres of her,
arrive and squeeze in between Enjoyster and the harbour wall. Two workboats
acted as tugs and pushed and pulled until she was in place.
The original HMS Pickle was one of the fastest vessels at the Battle of
Trafalgar in 1805 and was given the dubious task of returning to London as
quickly as possible to report Nelson’s victory and his death. The captain spent
half his year’s salary hiring coach and frequently changed horses to carry the
news from Falmouth to the capital. This Pickle was on her way to the Humber via
a spell in Portmouth with the Victory, after an extensive refit. Built largely
of larch to keep her light she was almost a wreck when the current owner
purchased her, having been used as a party and events boat and no maintenance
being done for years.
When we were approaching Viana in a 30 knot wind Pickle was a few miles
further out and was experiencing 49 knots of wind. Fortunately she can call on
her 125hp motor to help matters. She has a global following and ancestors of the
original captain keep in touch with her progress.
18th August. First job ashore was to find a hairdresser. Rob had made a
good job of shortening my hair but struggled with the layering so we decided I
needed to be ‘tidied up’. That was how Cristina Castro tactfully put it at C3
Cabeleireiros. She sent us off to have a coffee until 9.30 when she would start
work. She worked magic making me look as if I had more hair after she razored
the back than before she started. She only had to show the hair the razor and it
fell off.
Next we walked into the old town which was a hive of activity, scaffolding
and workmen all over erecting mass tiered seating areas up the sides of all the
main streets. There was an atmosphere of contained excitement. Men holding
fistfulls of strings of brightly coloured balloons and heads of giants
(gigantones), that looked as if they were made of papier mache, were displayed
at shop doors and in windows. The most important festival of the year would
start the next day in honour of Nossa Senhora da Agonia, patron saint of
fishermen. Cristina said it was a must for us with more than 1 million visitors.
A vast flotilla of boats leaves the harbour with the effigy of the patron saint
on one of them, and bunches of flowers are thrown onto the ocean turning it into
a garden in spring time. We were put off by the size of the crowds and decided
to leave the following day. I know, we’re a couple of boring old folk aren’t
But not before taking the funicular (on Sue of Larry’s recommendation) up
to the Basilica on Monto de Santa Luzia for a panoramic view over the estuary
and city. Again some distinguished lady reported it as the finest view in the
world. She definitely needed to travel further to broaden her perspective.