Our Delta Lodge home in the Wairakei Thermal Valley Campground

Fri 28 Apr 2017 23:15
The campsite suited us just fine. Its facilities were the gentle friendly
animals, the secluded and beautiful location and the feeling of involvement of
the owner, always around and tending the property and animals. We never did
learn his name but he was an interesting man who had put together the site, with
help, from its outset and made it as pleasant as he could for everyone. I guess
he knew what he would like in the way of comfort and enjoyment and provided it
for us. In the deep ravine by the campground was a little crinkly tin shed
standing by a leat diversion in the raging stream. We suspected that he had
installed a hydro electric plant there to heat the camp water or at least to
take water out and pump it into the camp’s wash water system. When I drew a bath
in the lodge bathroom the water was clearly heated river water and very
enjoyable to soak in too.
We often enjoyed the work of people such as him in the form of the camp
sites they have created. After an interesting, well paid and perhaps dangerous
past work history these folk come to a time in life where they have to decide
what to do from then on. Some buy pubs and hotels, others may become invisible
writers while others may turn to drink. We liked these campsites more than say
the Top 10 ones because the latter are often run by people on salaries who
appear to do as little as they can for their pay and have played no part in the
creative history of the place.
In the New Zealand Government’s rush to encourage tourism to its shores
many more camp companies have started up aimed in particular at families, this
has affected the older more personal camps and what has suffered most is the
antiquated plumbing systems that need replacing. I only hope they survive
because they are the nicest places to stay.