16:43.82S 179:44.66W

16:43.82S 179:44.66W Silver Fish and a White Tipped Shark Zoonie’s chain grumbled over the sea bed as she swung gently on her synchronised dance with Tregoning and Wavelength, who had just arrived and a solitary goat bleated from the steep rocky shore nearby. We had a short strategy meeting with Alison and Randall and then went snorkelling with Rob towing the dinghy, not only because the distance to Zoonie in deep water might have been further than we wanted to swim but also so we could beat a hasty retreat if necessary. A panga arrived from the resort with a couple who were dropped off to enjoy a few hours with their own little hut and private beach on this paradise island. How lucky we are to just sail in, put the hook down and snorkel to our hearts content for free when they are no doubt paying a king’s ransom for the privilege. They weren’t exactly in solitude either with three yachts and numerous little tubes and goggles floating about in the water infront of them! Hope they weren’t honeymooners! Rob bobbed up and called, “White tipped reef shark passed under me and a turtle. Wanted to tell you but you were too far away.” I wasn’t too sorry either to miss his first find. I was drifting along with the current when ahead in the water I saw what looked like lots of pieces of aluminium foil floating just beneath the surface, catching the sun. The distance between us shortened until I could see they were an inverted teardrop shaped shoal of hundreds of fish with bright silver heads and more modestly silver bodies. As they swam upwards in one carefully spaced entity so their jaws were wide open feeding, then they would all turn in unison and with mouths closed descend a few metres before turning once more for a feeding glide towards the surface. I watched gob smacked at this beautiful spectacle, like something David Attenborough would gently and soothingly explain to us. Over supper with the six of us enjoying some of Alison’s fine boat cooking, she explained they are Acute Jawed Mackerel and we were to see them frequently in various places from then on.