43:23.80N 08:48.06W Between Porto Novo and Sanxenxo

Thu 23 Jul 2015 10:58
For two days we explored the contrasting seaside resorts of Sanxenxo, with
its plush hotels and long sandy beach off which we were anchored and Porto Novo
approached along a long wooden board walk and home to a big caravan and
campsite. Separating the two towns is a wooded headland with a few walked and
gated houses and a lovely wood built bar with verandas on three sides, where we
passed a number of hours in quiet contemplation as you can imagine.
20th July
At this point I should mention that we are moving Zoonie on around
headlands and in the water contrary to what the route map of her wanderings
suggests. Another Monbus coachride took us into the main city of Galicia,
Pontevedra. We took a taxi to the old town from the coach station and spent a
few hours following a pink line showing points of significance on a tourist map
provided by a young lady in the Information Office who learned her perfect
English in America and London where she was nanny to three badly behaved boys.
“My basic English was good but I had to quickly learn the words needed to
control those three boys who were constantly fighting!” The _expression_ on the
face of one of the images of the Virgin Peregrina (Pilgrim Virgin) reminded me
of my on line Scrabble teacher’s _expression_ when she feels I could have scored
more points than I did. She is patron saint of this area which is on the pilgrim
route to the Shrine of St James at Santiago de Compostela.
At lunch time we sat at a bar around a fountain where pigeons were taking a
shower but as no one appeared to be serving we moved on down a stone-walled
street and chose two comfortable looking directors chairs next to an ancient
wall, green with age and providing wonderful cool shade. Our waiter learned his
English while in Florida for a year and served us a tasty lunch of calamara,
deep fried green pimientos and bread and then slipped us a tapas of mussels.
Rolling along the road back to Zoonie we passed the fishing village of
Combarro where the horreros in the fishermens’ gardens overlook the viveros just
offshore. The former provide winter storage for any food that will keep, like
maize, potatoes, garlic, grain and maybe, in this location, salted fish. The
horrero is a lovely part of Galician culture, little pantiled ‘houses’ on legs
some topped with crosses, a charming pre-refrigeration means of food
preservation that is still used today.
While the tender was in the water we decided to give Zoonie’s hull a scrape
off around the waterline. Rob held the dinghy in so I could lean over and with a
paintscraper edge flat on the surface I took as much off as I could while happy
I was not scratching the coppercoat. After which we decided to take a swim
around her a few times.
I could not but admire the slender outward curve of her accommodating hull
as I swam slowly around the part of her we rarely see. At the stem, (front
pointy vertical part) I swam backwards away from her a few strokes and looked up
and down her most forward line, about four inches wide, with numerous repaired
dents and scratches, her strong stem that is leading us over the surface of the
We had an excellent spot and could watch the goings on on the beach and in
the pedallos, boards, dinghies, kite surfers and swimmers all loving life
itself. The local Marine Guardia were checking on the papers of the anchored
motor boats who were not flying ensigns. We fly our red ensign and a
neighbouring French yacht was flying the tricolor so I wonder if that’s why they
didn’t bother with us this time.
Such a trouble free, restful place to anchor firmly in sand we were
reluctant to leave but on the 21st July we departed as soon as the fog cleared
bound for the first of the Galician nature reserve islands we would visit, Isla
Zoonie was sailing nicely in 6 – 9 knots of wind towards the island when,
with an _expression_ of steely determination on his face, Rob appeared with rod in
one hand and box of tricks (hooks etc) in the other. Zoonie was sliding
quietly along at about 3 knots, perfect mackerel conditions. Within minutes two
were on the line but one dropped off. We landed the one fish in the washing up
bowl and in quick succession Rob caught another six. So lunch and supper were
catered for.
We tried anchoring in weed over sand but she dragged. Although we could
have had another try I spied some blue visitors buoys off the mole at Almacen
where the visitor boats to and fro to the mainland all day and we picked one of
those up instead.