40:08.68N 08:52.48W Figuera da Foz Where pigs might fly

Wed 26 Aug 2015 10:18
It was good to be back at sea and enjoying little flocks of Cory’s
shearwater and tiny petrels. I remembered from last year the 63 mile long beach
of golden sand backing onto high dunes and then one of the most extensive pine
forests in Europe.
It was a long day and we arrived quite late. The security guard apologised
for not meeting us and then took 37.50 Euros for one night’s stay. We then left
his pontoon and motored to our allotted mooring a few metres away. To get back
to the office by foot required a long walk back through the marina, along the
quay at the end and then all the way back up the same distance again. A
pedestrian bridge was promised but then we heard that last year. I think it more
likely pigs will be seen flying around here. They were being somewhat naive to
think that everyone would be prepared to walk that distance to use the
The marina was half empty, there were few people around and there was no
evidence to suggest this was a well used and enjoyed place to stay, as we had
seen elsewhere. We were told firmly to bring our card back or we would lose the
10 Euro deposit. Inside his clinical office the walls were bare, no evidence of
club or sailing activities. He told us it was only a mile or so to walk to the
bars in town. When I asked if there was anywhere to anchor out side the marina,
having seen a couple of out of the way ideal spots on the way in, he replied
anchoring was not allowed. I wondered how it was that fishermen could anchor but
not us. It must be a local council policy as everywhere else we have visited in
Portugal this global right to anchor has been well respected.
It seems the less a marina has to offer, the cooler the welcome, and the
more spaces the higher the prices. A Catch 22 situation. Offer more, treat
visitors well, set a sensible price and the revenue will roll in.