2021 SA CT Canine Company and a Morning of Culture

Canine Company and a Morning of Culture At the Adopt site in Nobel Square they didn’t know the name of our little friend so we just called him our Brindle Buddy. Such a contrast; in the UK Home Secretary Priti Patel wants to increase the penalties for the epidemic of stealing valuable dogs, while also in the UK and here, the number of unwanted dogs needing re-homing is an ongoing rising statistic; such a maligned animal, mankind’s best friend. We have so often glanced at the magnificent conversion of grain Silo 1 into an art gallery (Zeitz Mocaa), restaurant and hotel and now was our chance to explore the 100 plus galleries. I wondered how long Rob would last after his own viewing as he usually patiently waits for me while I linger through the creations that inspire and provoke. But this time I think he was almost as engrossed as me. For your sake too I have just included a handful of the art projects that were there for us to examine. It is a place where the viewer is integral and actively involved if they want to be. I was intrigued over the concept of ‘women waiting’ expressed in the story of Theodore’s journey to find her husband, Gebane over many years; depicted in paint, fabric, embroidery and photography. Fascinating also was the use of art to reflect on the environment; how appropriate for a painting and sculpture of a woman from a hardwood tree, complete with the artist’s notes, to remind us, if we need reminding, of the short-sighted destruction of natural forests. I really liked the inclusive nature of the collection, across all creeds, cultures and changing times and the way I sometimes was made to feel uncomfortable and to examine my own mental place on topics like the genocide in Rwanda and the mindset of colonialism. Finally, and possibly most significantly was the beautiful conversion of a utilitarian building into a vast and elegant viewing location when so often redundant buildings are left to waste away; something solid and majestic coming out of South Africa. After all that art and all those stairs we needed some refreshment and Der Anker, a Belgian Bar/Restaurant served us perfectly.