Fw: Seasons Greetings

Merry Christmas 2018 From Zoonie In Whangarei New Zealand Since our return to NZ six weeks ago we have made lovely new friends in meeting Neville and Sharon and have renewed friendships of old with Jeannie and Merv and their family, Max and Shirley, Gail and Tony, Steve, Mark, Andrea and Luca in Tauranga and have been in touch with Helen and Rod and Vandy and Eric on Scoots who have just got back from Fiji.. It is good to be so easily chatting with family back home and looking forward to seeing them again soon. We have also been over the moon to hear about the arrival of Milo Robert, Charly and Tom’s beautiful little boy and can’t wait to enjoy a cuddle with him. But first we have the exciting build up to the festive season. Neville sailed from England to a new life as a doctor in NZ in the early eighties and with the help of his supportive wife Sharon published his account of the hair-raising voyage in his recently published book, “Doumar and the Doctor”. We heard him being interviewed on Radio New Zealand and so downloaded the book onto our Kindle and enjoyed the read. When we moored up in Marsden we noticed Doumar tied up in the marina and made contact with Neville and Sharon with a view to publicizing the book back home and thus increasing their sales. A rewarding friendship has blossomed we are delighted to say. Another little gem that Marsden Cove has brought our way. We escaped from Whangarei back to Marsden a few nights ago for a festive meal with them in their lovely home overlooking Mount Manaia and the Whangarei River. We spent a nice lunch time at a pub overlooking Parua Bay with Gail and Tony before they jetted home and were pleased they took us up on our offer to take their car out for regular exercise while they are back home in the US and this has enabled us to deliver and fetch heavy stuff like sails and the outboard around Whangarei and also drive the six hour journey to Tauranga last weekend to visit Mark, Andrea and you know who, Luca who watched the Ireland v All Blacks Rugby victory with Rob. We dodged heavy rain showers to enjoy the lovely park and waterfalls you see in the photos and I never realised dumplings could be so tasty! The climb up to the Parihaka lookout early in the morning is as beautiful as ever and I hope it will continue to be so no matter what changes in the environment it has to endure in the coming years, similarly all the other sheltered areas around the globe. Yesterday we walked with Jeannie and Merv up to the Whangarei Falls and then lunched on board. The day was fine and warm as it is today. We are warming up as you cool down, but it’s not all hunky dory, we both have hay fever! Naylene at the marina office has invited us to an extravaganza on her property (section) on Christmas Day. Her instant home was delivered a few months back on a flat-bed lorry from Auckland and we can’t wait to see it. Then on Boxing Day we are brunching with Jeannie and Merv at Jeannie’s late mum’s home before a swim in the waters of Bream Bay the day before we fly to Sydney for our slow journey home. In Aussie we will spend a few days with Alison and Randall in Sydney and then visit Jane and Greg back home in Newcastle and Martina and Peter of Havachat you will remember from our stay in Fulunga, Fiji. A little exploration of Canberra before we fly to Adelaide for a look see before we climb aboard the Ghan Train to speed north across the entire continent to Darwin for some more exploring. After that little lot I think we will sleep all the way to London via Abu Dhabi to land on January the 29th and head north to Oakham. So we both wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable festive season and send our love and best wishes for the New Year. Rob and Barb xxx