50 41.92N 01 58.42W

Sun 11 May 2014 16:35
Hydrovane is now fitted and we are almost ready for the start of the ARC
Portugal. Sitting at home looking at the thunderous sky and hoping the weather
will change before then!
While we were in Island Harbour on the Isle of Wight we had been working on
the connection between the new Navtex and the chartplotter. Thinking we were
finished we set about a job on deck. I went below to get something and WOW acrid
smoke was billowing from behind the control panel and seeping through joins
around the cupboard doors. “Rob, we have smoke” the control panel came off
quickly to reveal the Navtex cable smoking and sparking. Mains switch to OFF
batteries OFF, phew. I grab the powder extinguisher and am poised ready, but
crisis averted, the sparks stop and we just have to ventilate the pervading
smell outside. What a reassuring noise came from the smoke detector. Thank
goodness we weren’t in the pub having a drink. I guess there was a kink in the
We are now set up to receive the Grib weather files through Mailasail and
eventually via the satphone. The next tecky development would be to overlay our
position in the weathermap, I bet it will come if it isn’t already here.
Enjoy your evening. |