Aida and the not so Old Man of The Sea

Sat 12 Jul 2014 17:32
Aida was born on the island but then her parents moved to Boston, USA where
her father learned English at the University and worked in the maintenance dept.
before setting up a fish market with a friend.
He returned to the island and started a restaurant in Maia, another ribbon
settlement facing the east Atlantic. His wife hoped they might retire and take
it easy but in fact they ended up working even harder and ran the popular
restaurant on well water and generator electricity.
Aida’s father’s nickname was Il Grota so that is what he called his pride
and joy. He loved to create his own dishes and Aida was pleased to serve us two
bowls of his famous fish soup. He bought his fish early in the morning, as does
Aida today, from the local fishermen who would later come and have their lunch
with him. Three types of fish, cinnamon, locally grown, mint, lemon, tomatoes,
potatoes, onions and wine all lovingly blended together to produce this
wholesome and slightly sweet medley.
Sadly both Aida’s parents died before they reached my age and Aida, single
and with no dependants, returned to live opposite and work the garden and
restaurant with her cook and another helper. She petitioned for piped water and
mains electricity for this little community nestling between the vine-clad,
terraced slopes of the caldera and the sea. So the lower diamond necklace of
lights we saw on approach last Monday in the early gloom were thanks to
Aida has created her own social dish which she serves up in a massive bowl
so the diners can help themselves. First in goes the clams, then layers of fish
and her home grown vegetables, stock and wine and finally a crown of crabs. This
is accompanied with local rustic bread made by her cousin in Santa Espirito,
just up the road.
Such dignitaries as the chief of police of the Azores and the President of
Portugal have enjoyed her culinary delights. A letter addressed to Aida, Maia,
Santa Maria would find her and all she asked of us was an apron from Rutland and
a copy of the photos I took.
While we were there teams of men were setting up a stadium with canopy,
staging lights and amplifiers for the impending Folk festival on Aida’s open air
grounds. Over one thousand people are expected, being ferried down to the site
by coach. Next weekend all the gear will be set up in Santa Barbara for a Blues
festival and the following weekend it will move somewhere else until the
beginning of September. Then all goes quiet for another year. They know how to
entertain themselves and keep the youngsters on the islands.
We filled the car on the way home with fresh fruit and veg, some fish and
meat, all locally produced and from the municipal market. Plus a few more items
from the supermarket and that evening treated ourselves to a meal at the Clube
The not so old man and the sea. Next morning, yesterday, we had to return
the car to Lui Sousa at Ilhe Verde Car Hire based at the airport. While he drove
us back to the top of town we got onto the subject of his boat. A fairly heavy,
six metre fishing boat that gives him much pleasure.
One day Lui was out on his boat with his friend Fernando. They were taking
it in turns to land a very big fish. “Lui I cannot hold the rod any longer, it
is much too hard” “Fernando just drink some water and you will be fine.” Three
and a half hours and eight bottles of beer later both of them were exhausted
when they finally landed the 130kg big eyed black marlin across the swimming
platform at the back of the boat. “I like the black marlin from the deep, it’s
much tastier. It fed my family and friends for quite some time”. We asked him if
he knew where we could get a courtesy flag for the Azores. He double parked
outside the stationers and as he got out said “If they don’t have one I will ask
my wife which of ours you can have, the newest.”
We wandered through the delightful town and had a cool beer in the Central
Pub where we had supper a few nights before in the pupil dilating dark interior.
The pub was started 49 years ago and I’d love to be around next year for the
half century celebrations. Run by a very friendly local family the menu is
extensive and their apple pie in thin crisp pastry is delicious.
For centuries the Chinese have travelled the world and settled in places
far from home amongst people of a different culture. They have set up businesses
knowing what the local demands would be and created a financial success to
support themselves and their families. Santa Maria is home to one such couple
who run Loja China, a tardis like emporium with tidy shelves and hanging rails
covered in everything you could need for the home, office and wardrobe. We
wandered up and down the aisles and came out with two deep melamin cereal bowls,
better than the shallow dishes when on passage and a degree more appealing than
the mixing bowls we had been using!
Today we have strolled around and along the outer harbour wall and now
little used dock. Since the building of the inner harbour wall the ferry now
docks nearer the town. Past the now defunct tuna processing plant, up the long
old track beside a river full of frogs, and dotted with bats in the dusk, we
noticed last night, to the town. We sheltered in a beautiful old church while a
shower passed and now we look forward to another meal at Clube Naval, this time
with the solo French sailor on the aluminium yacht next door called Jaoul (his
surname). He is from Normandy and will explore the islands until September when
he will return home. Don’t ask me his name as we don’t know it yet. Watch this
Back on board Zoonie is looking clean, well stocked and ready for the off.
We just need to fill up with diesel on Monday morning and we will be away home
from this lovely peaceful place. |