Zoonie arrives in South Africa

Sat 21 Nov 2020 14:35
28:47.67S 32:04.70E
Delighted to be able to tell you all that we arrived safely after a varied
crossing of 12 days and are now sorting Zoons out for some shore-side living.
Tasha has told us there are monkeys about who will come and inspect us and not
to swim in the marina water because of the crocodile, who needs a safari!
On Monday the clearing in process starts and we will have a Covid test too.
The results take about 24 hours, then Health and Immigration come but we have to
get a taxi to Customs as they are short staffed. Hopefully by Wednesday we can
move around to the marina, which is more rural, and go ashore!! There is a
restaurant here where one of us can order food which they then bring to the
boat, we are not allowed in the restaurant until we get a negative result and
are cleared in.
We did 1580 miles and used 101 engine hours. So from Fremantle to Richards
Bay was 5493 miles since the 21st September with a nineteen day stop in Reunion.
We three are fine and looking forward to being stopped!!
Have a grand weekend.
Lots of love,
Rob and Barb xxxxxx |