2021 SA CT About Town

Was Shakespeare In Love on Valentine’s Day? I’m not sure but he certainly was loveable and a pleasure to walk for the few minutes we were allowed with him on the fourteenth of Feb. This four-year-old wire-haired boy had only been in the rescue centre for a week and they did not expect him to stay long because of his quiet, well-mannered nature. He was gentle on the lead and barked at another dog simply because he wanted to meet him. I handed him back with some reluctance. On our meander into town alongside the canal section that is accessible to the public we came across this exhibition of reflections from people about their experience living in South Africa and I thought you might like some alternative opinions to the ones I have already mentioned. The older buildings are typical European Dutch Colonial style and are in Long Street; one of the oldest roads in Cape Town. At the top we turned a left corner and found ourselves in Company Gardens with an extensive vegetable garden, a real, mature English Oak, a statue of Lord George Grey; my goodness he seems to have been Governor of most of the southern hemisphere in his time, here, NSW and NZ, remember his mansion on Kawau Island off Auckland? The very white building is Parliament House and then St George’s Cathedral which was closed. Finally, a kind gentleman offered to take us sharing a frame with Table Mountain.